When mapping class to viewModel, some data is lost


Viewed 211 times


I have an appointment that returns a client and his phone, but when mapping the class to the viewModel, I lose phone data:


public Cliente ObterClientePorId(Guid ClienteId)
      var consulta =
                                  p => p.ClienteId, 
                                  pt => pt.ClienteId,
                                 (p, pt) => new {p, pt}).FirstOrDefault();

  if (consulta != null)
      var cliente = consulta.p;
      cliente.telefone = consulta.pt;

      return cliente;

But when mapping the client class to the viewModel cliente, it loses the data that was in telefone.


    public ClienteViewModel ObterClientePorId(Guid ClienteId)
        //aqui tem os dados de telefone
        var consulta = _cliente.ObterClientePorId(ClienteId);
        //aqui o telefone fica null
        var cliente = Mapper.Map<Cliente, ClienteViewModel>(consulta);

        return cliente;


public class ClienteViewModel
    public ClienteViewModel()
        ClienteId = Guid.NewGuid();

    // campos...

    public List<TelefoneViewModel> TelefoneViewModel { get; set; }

    //mais campos...
  • Already tried not to use Automapper?

  • I didn’t try, then I would do the hand mapping?

  • 1

    Yes, using implicit operators, for example.

1 answer


Have you tried mapping the Phone class to "Phoneviewmodel"? I say this because your class Clienteviewmodel has a List< Phoneviewmodel> and not List< Phone>.

Maybe this will work:

var telefones = Mapper.Map<List<Telefone>, List<TelefoneViewModel>>(consulta.telefone);
var cliente = Mapper.Map<Cliente, ClienteViewModel>(consulta);
cliente.TelefoneViewModel = telefones;

If it doesn’t work, share your Customer and Phone classes, please.


  • this way worked, thanks! I had tried to do something similar, I just had not done that cast to list.

  • @austin How would you look if the query returned a list of customers, how would you map these phones?

  • @Alexandrepreviatti did not understand the question right. If you return a list of customers, do not need Cast, right?

  • @Austunhappy as it is returned only one customer, I can recover the phones with "phone.query" if it were a customer list would not be possible... The question is, if instead of: var client = Mapper.Map<Client, Clienteviewmodel>(query); were var client = Mapper.Map<List<Client>, List<Clienteviewmodel>>(query); assuming the query was a customer list, how would this mapping of phones?

  • 1

    @Alexandrepreviatti I get it. It allows you to put the actions of mapping inside a foreach, IE, you take a list of customers, do the foreach in the list and do the same answer ai process.

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