How to change the background color of a slider from the bootstrap-slider plugin?


Viewed 750 times


I’m working with bootstrap-slider and want to make the slider when dragging, and having its value between a given number range (I use onChange), modify the background color of the selection bar. I’ve already managed to modify the border, but the selection bar itself I couldn’t find a shape with jQuery.

The code :

$(document).ready(function() {
    id: "slider12a",
    min: 0,
    max: 100,
    ticks: [0, 25, 50, 75, 100],
    ticks_snap_bounds: 5,
    ticks_labels: ['', '', '', '', ''],
    value: 0


function setarCorSlider(tamanho) {

  if (tamanho < 24) {
    document.getElementById('slider12a').style.background = "red"; //altera a borda, mas pelo meu entendimento se eu apelidei o slider 'ex13' de id: 'slider12a', deveria alterar tudo e não apenas a borda 

    //tentei usar jQuery para alterar a cor da classe slider-selection, mas não funcionou
    $(document).ready(function() {
      $('.slider-selection').css('background: red');
    $('.slider-selection').css('background: red'); //também testei assim e não funcionou
  } else if (tamanho > 25 && tamanho < 74) {
    document.getElementById('slider12a').style.background = "yellow";
  } else if (tamanho > 75) {
    document.getElementById('slider12a').style.background = "green";
#slider12a .slider-selection {
  background: #DDD; //*Inicialmente a barra possui o background da barra azul, a medida que vai arrastando ela*
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type='text/javascript' src="" />

<input id="ex13" type="text" data-slider-ticks="[0, 25, 50, 75, 100]" data-slider-ticks-snap-bounds="5" onchange="setarCorSlider(this.value)" />

<script type='text/javascript' src="" />
<script type='text/javascript' src="" />
<!-- coloquem o JavaScript do código aqui -->

  • Ps.: Who has reputation over 300, I recommend creating a tag for this question called: bootstrap-slider, can help future questions.

  • Puts background: red!important. !Important in the case. $('.slider-selection').css('background: red!important');

  • @Diegosouza thanks for the tip, but high-prioritize the element within the jQuery didn’t work either. Continue with #DDD.

2 answers


I did it! Actually the error was in the notation jQuery the correct is to pass the two separate parameters, 'background-color' and then the parameter with the value of color.

$('#slider12a .slider-selection').css('background-color','#F55');

And the other problem is that in addition to setting the code you need to remove the background-image, for the bootstrap-slider uses image in your CSS bootstrap-slider.css so the background "did not appear", because the image was "on top".

Follows code:

function setarCorSlider(tamanho){

        if (tamanho<24){
                $('#slider12a .slider-selection').css('background-image','none');
                $('#slider12a .slider-selection').css('background-color','#F55');
        else if (tamanho>25 && tamanho<74){
            $('#slider12a .slider-selection').css('background-image','none');
            $('#slider12a .slider-selection').css('background-color','#FFA477');            
        else if (tamanho>75){
            $('#slider12a .slider-selection').css('background-image','none');
            $('#slider12a .slider-selection').css('background-color','#93FF93');


Also, for future users who may have this problem, the class that deals with the style sheet of the "dragging ball" or in literal translation "tick (track)" is just the .slider-track


The class in which the background color changes is this one:


Put this into the function setarCorSlider. $('.slider-track-high').css('background-color', 'red');

And take it from inside the $(document).ready(), no need.

  • It is true, the slider-track-high is the "default" color of the slider background, i.e., the "full" "100%" fill of the slider, but I don’t want to change the background of the slider as the selector is dragged, but change the color of the selector itself. In the example 12 ( ) that you mentioned, but I could not change the color of the selector, that is, identify the class that treats it (I think it is the slider-Selection), the command you indicated did not work neither inside nor outside the ...ready(), maybe the class really is .slider-selection but the jQuery isn’t working.

  • Do you know what’s going on that my jQuery command to update the background of a class is not working? I’ve tried to get into it myself js from the add-on to see if I could change something in his code but it’s too complex.

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