Failure to copy an entire directory and its files


Viewed 421 times


I need to copy an entire directory that contains files inside using Java NIO2 with FileChannels. But I can only copy the files inside the directory.

Follow the code I’m using to copy the files:

public static void copiaDestino(File destino, File origem) throws IOException{

    FileChannel inChannel = new FileInputStream(origem).getChannel();
    FileChannel outChannel = new FileOutputStream(destino).getChannel();
        int maxCont = (64 * 1024 * 1024) - (32 * 1024);
        long size = inChannel.size();
        long position = 0;

        while (position < size){
            position += inChannel.transferTo(position, size, outChannel);
            if(inChannel != null){
            if(outChannel != null){
  • Then as I am still testing I create two variables of type File and step the paths (Origin/Destination). When executing the code by passing the directory and not the file name of an error (Exception in thread "main" C: Novafolder (Access denied))

  • Then the path even finds when I put inside the " C: "however if I want to copy for example "C: test" also gives the same error, but if I add: Source file = new File("C: Novafolder server.sql"); Target file = new File("C: t"); It creates a file named " t " in "C:"

  • I apologize I’m starting here now. But what I am trying to do is copy the directory "C: New Folder" to "C: New Pasta2", I have the above method to copy both the directory and the files contained in it. In main I prompt 2 variables of type File and step origin and destination, if I leave as I said above origin and destination it from the access denied in the source folder and if I point a file inside the source folder the access denied error happens in the destination path, if the source path does not exist then it creates a file and does not copy the cited one at the source

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1 answer


This method only copies files and not directories.

The comments seem to be working when used correctly. I noticed that there is a parameter inversion that makes its use not so intuitive and is probably generating errors because it is doing the opposite of what it thinks.

For lack of information I can not help more than this.

//note a inversão dos parâmetros aqui
public static void copiaDestino(File origem, File destino) throws IOException{

    FileChannel inChannel = new FileInputStream(origem).getChannel();
    FileChannel outChannel = new FileOutputStream(destino).getChannel();
    int maxCont = (64 * 1024 * 1024) - (32 * 1024);
    long size = inChannel.size();
    long position = 0;

    while (position < size){
        position += inChannel.transferTo(position, size, outChannel);
    if(inChannel != null){
    if(outChannel != null){

In the main():

try {
    File origem = new File("C:\\Novapasta\\server.sql");
    File destino = new File("C:\\t");
    copiaDestino(origem, destino)
} catch (Exception ex) { //isto só é útil aqui porque é o main
    System.out.println("Deu erro");

I put in the Github for future reference.

  • Thanks for your help... But the error that was giving access denied was because I was passing a file as source and a directory as destination... would look like this: Source file = new File("C: Novafolder server.sql"); Target file = new File("C: t copy.sql"); Only so he copied. Thank you and stay there in case someone is having the same difficulty.

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