Macro in Outlook 2010 Ontime()


Viewed 697 times


Eae guys, I need to do a macro in MS Outlook that only run in a certain time range, there is some function that helps me with this??

I saw that in Excel there is Ontime(), but it seems that in Outlook there is not the same.

  • 1

    I don’t know the nuances of VBA in Outlook. But, at least it should be possible to use the native Windows timer. Take a look here: (the text is facing Excel, but the last part about Windows Timers should be useful to you).

1 answer


People found the solution to my problem, maybe I was not very clear in the question, well follow what I did

Sub teste(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim minTime, maxTime As String
minTime = "18:00:00"
maxTime = "05:00:00"

If Time() > minTime Or Time() < maxTime Then
    MsgBox ("Funcionou")
End If
End Sub

Thank you very much

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