Randomize according to a radio button


Viewed 151 times


I want to make use of "Radio Buttons", HTML but I don’t know how to use them. How to make them I know, but I need something like this:

If I use option one, generate a random word being Language, Language.

If I use option two, generate a random word being Language, Dialect.

I can generate a random word with PHP, I need to know how to "distribute" both.

  • Hello, welcome to the OS in Portuguese. Try to explain your need better, including telling us what you already have. Consider doing the tour and also how to create a Minimum, Complete and Verifiable example.

  • Have you tried using Jquery to become dynamic(when choosing one does the action A when choosing the other does the action B)

  • @Thallesdaniel How do I do this? I am zeroed in Javascript and jquery

  • Since you are from "0" see an example I made for you to have an idea of what you can do with jquery

  • How’s your code for generating random words

1 answer


Look at it this way:

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#radioA').click(function() {
    var data = 'id=aleaa';
    $.get('aleatoria.php', data, function(response){
  $('#radioB').click(function() {
    var data = 'id=aleab';
    $.get('aleatoria.php', data, function(response){

<div id="dv"></div><br/>
<input type="radio" name="group1" value="aleatoria" id="radioA"> aleatório A<br>

<input type="radio" name="group1" value="aleatoria" id="radioB"> aleatório B<br>
<!--<button id="buton">Click</button>-->


and create a randomized.php file like this:

    if($_GET["id"] == "aleaa")
    $palavras = array('Língua','Linguagem'); 
    $aleatorio = rand(0,1); 
    echo $palavras[$aleatorio];
    elseif($_GET["id"] == "aleab")
    $palavras = array('Idioma','Dialeto'); 
    $aleatorio = rand(0,1); 
    echo $palavras[$aleatorio];

jquery does a GET in the.php random file if the parameter(?id=Alea) is correct it takes the random word it generated. If the answers are satisfactory I ask you to point out :)

  • That’s what I know how to do friend. I want radio buttons, one randomizes one thing and another

  • if you know how to do it then just switch the button for the radio see.

  • I have updated the code the way you want a radioA does a language and language randomness and radioB does Language and Dialect. The code is ready.

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