Template and Themes for JSF/Primefaces


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I would like to ask a question, and I believe it is quite simple. There are a wide variety of templates for Angularjs, Wordpress and etc. In the same site of Primefaces, has themes such as Modena, Sentinel, Spark and others.

I was researching some "Admin Template" style templates and found some in HTML on Themeforest site with great design. With this raised me a question, it is possible to use some of these templates and integrate with JSF/Primefaces?

  • see if you can help: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E13226_01/workshop/docs92/studio33/JSF/ConvertingHTMLtoJSF.html

3 answers


  • 5

    Aurélio, can you bring here examples and explanation of this link? How is the answer gets invompleta. If the link disappears is unusable. See you soon!



With JSF in newer versions the answer is yes, but with a few points. With Primefaces, which is a JSF specialization with specific themes, it gets even more complicated.

Only with JSF you can take advantage of a different theme, but you will have a great job to merge the theme with the particularities of JSF.

The Primefaces will be even more complicated because you need to create a new theme for PF, which is nothing trivial.

JSF may be flexible to accept HTML5, but then you lose all those features that would be ready to use.

If the interface is essential to your application, I suggest using another more flexible technology that is independent of front end, as some framework action based.

If practicality is more important, I suggest simply using some standard Primefaces theme.

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