Make a button to add properties to a list using Begincollectionitem C#


Viewed 2,091 times


I have a register of people and need to create a button to add multiple phones and send to my controller, I am using Begincollectionitem, based on my other question Form using Begincollectionitem gets null viewModel in foreach just missing part of the button, as I do?

My controller:

    // GET: Pessoas/Create
    public ActionResult Create()
        var pessoaViewModel = new PessoaViewModel
            PessoaTelefoneViewModel = new List<PessoaTelefoneViewModel> 
                new PessoaTelefoneViewModel()

        return View(pessoaViewModel);

    public ActionResult Create(PessoaViewModel pessoaViewModel)

            //salvando os dados         
            return RedirectToAction("Index");


My view:

@model meuprojeto.ViewModels.PessoaViewModel

// resto da view...

<div id="tab-3" class="tab-pane">
     @if (Model != null && Model.PessoaTelefoneViewModel != null)
         foreach (var telefone in Model.PessoaTelefoneViewModel)



My partial phone view:

@model meuprojeto.ViewModels.PessoaTelefoneViewModel

@using (Html.BeginCollectionItem("PessoaTelefoneViewModel"))
     <div class="form-group">
        @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Descricao, new {@class = "col-md-12   "})

        <div class="col-md-10">
            @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Descricao, new {htmlAttributes = new {@class = "form-control "}})
            @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Descricao, "", new {@class = "text-danger"})

   //outros campos...

1 answer


Alter the View main to the following:

@model meuprojeto.ViewModels.PessoaViewModel

// resto da view...

    <div id="tab-3" class="tab-pane">
         @if (Model != null && Model.PessoaTelefoneViewModel != null)
             foreach (var telefone in Model.PessoaTelefoneViewModel)


     <p><a id="add-another" class="small-button">Adicionar Telefone</a></p>

@section Scripts {
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#add-another").click(function () {
            $.get('/Pessoas/LinhaTelefone', function (template) {


// GET: Pessoas/Create
public ActionResult Create()
    var pessoaViewModel = new PessoaViewModel
        PessoaTelefoneViewModel = new List<PessoaTelefoneViewModel> 
            new PessoaTelefoneViewModel()

    return View(pessoaViewModel);

public ActionResult Create(PessoaViewModel pessoaViewModel)

        //salvando os dados         
        return RedirectToAction("Index");

public ActionResult LinhaTelefone()
    var telefone = new PessoaTelefoneViewModel();
    return PartialView("_MinhaPartial", telefone);


  • By clicking "Add Phone", the Controller will be triggered to format the piece of View which will be incorporated into the code;
  • The Controller, in turn, it will return a partial to the calling Ajax;
  • Once this is done, Javascript changes the <form> with the new piece coming from Controller.
  • 1

    It worked perfectly! thank you very much, it helped me a lot!!

  • When I send the form and the modelState is not valid, it returns to the same create view, so what I typed on phone, is lost... there is some way to recover what I typed before?

  • 1

    @Aesir Yes, forward the Viewmodel for View shortly after the if (ModelState.IsValid) { ... }. Thus: return View(viewModel);.

  • Gosh, since I didn’t try it, thank you again.

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