Make div disappear


Viewed 3,537 times


I have a code that only works if it keeps one <div id="panel">, but would not like it to appear on the screen. It has to keep this div, but let it invisible?

  • When you say "code that it only works if it keeps a <div id="panel">" I’m curious what the code is? I think it would be interesting to solve this at the source of what to hide.

5 answers


Or in the CSS:

<div id="panel" style="visibility:hidden;"></div>


#panel { visibility:hidden; }

It just doesn’t make a lot of sense, or I didn’t get it right.


To make invisible/hide the div you can do so:

$("#panel").hide() ou $("#panel").css("display", "none")

The problem is if you are doing some validation to check if the div is visible:


Then you will have to change the validation to check if the div exists:

if($("#panel").length > 0)
   //div existe


If you’re using jQuery.

$('#sua-div').css('visibility', 'hidden');

If you’re using Javascript.

document.getElementById('sua-div').style.visibility = 'hidden';


If you use style="display:none;" your div will be there, but will not be visible. See below for an example.

function mostraDiv(id,div2)
var divstyle = new String();        
divstyle = document.getElementById(id).style.display;

var divAux = new String();        
divAux = document.getElementById(div2).style.display;
      if (divAux=="block" || divAux == ""){
	   document.getElementById(div2).style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block"; 
	return false;  
<a href="#" onclick="displayDiv('teste','teste2')"> </a> 
<a href="#" onclick="displayDiv('teste2','teste')"> </a> 

<div id="teste">

<div id="teste2" style="display:none;">

Source: That post


complemented above, if using Angularjs.

<div id="panel" ng-show="false">

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