List Tree Categories in Laravel 5.1


Viewed 1,412 times


I’m starting with Laravel 5.1 and I’m a little lost yet.

I need to list categories, subcategories and "sub-subcategories".


id            | int
nome          | varchar
categoria_pai | int


id  | nome         | categoria_pai
1   | Informática  | NULL
2   | Mouse        | 1
3   | Sem fio      | 2
4   | Eletrônicos  | NULL


class Categoria extends Model
    protected $table = 'categorias';
    protected $fillable = ['nome', 'descricao', 'categoria_pai'];

    public function produtos() {

    public function categoriaPai()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Categoria');

    public function categoriaFilho()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Categoria');


Method that mounts select when adding another category. It works, but I don’t know how to filter it to make optgroup and separate.

public function create()
    $categorias = Categoria::all()->lists('nome', 'id');
    return view('categorias.adicionar', compact('categorias'));

I have no idea how to start, I’ve looked for similar things but I haven’t found.

With pure PHP I’ve already made, but using the Laravel, I’m cracking my skull.

  • But what do you need? Do relationship in SELECT or Model ?

  • @Diegosouza, on the model. I put my model in the question.

2 answers


In case I need to list all and there may be infinite levels

So to list all subcategories of a category independent of the amount of levels. You can do it this way:

mysql> select * from  categoria;
| id | nome | categoria_id |
|  1 | cat1 |         NULL |
|  2 | cat2 |            1 |
|  3 | cat3 |            2 |
|  4 | cat4 |            2 |

class Categoria extends Model{
   public function subcategorias()
        return $this->hasMany(Categoria::class, 'categoria_id','id');

    public function allSubcategorias()
        return $this->subcategorias()->with('allSubcategorias');

Search all subcategories this way:

$categoria = Categoria::where('id', 1)->with('allSubcategorias')->first();
return $categoria;


    id: 1,
    nome: "cat1",
    categoria_id: null,
    all_subcategorias: [
            id: 2,
            nome: "cat2",
            categoria_id: 1,
            all_subcategorias: [
                    id: 3,
                    nome: "cat3",
                    categoria_id: 2,
                    all_subcategorias: [ ]
                    id: 4,
                    nome: "cat4",
                    categoria_id: 2,
                    all_subcategorias: [ ]

SQL generated:

    select * from `categoria` where `id` = 1 limit 1;
    select * from `categoria` where `categoria`.`categoria_id` in 1;
    select * from `categoria` where `categoria`.`categoria_id` in 2;
    select * from `categoria` where `categoria`.`categoria_id` in (3, 4);
  • Show.. I am without PC now, but already helped me understand. What if I don’t want to set an id on Where('id', 1)? If I use $category = Category::all()->with('allSubcategories')->first(); Does it work? Thank you very much.

  • 1

    this: "Category::all()->with('allSubcategories')->first(); " does not work. this does: " Category::with('allSubcategories')->get();"

  • 1

    You may want to look at just the root categories as a starting point. $categories = Category::whereNull('categoria_id')->with('allSubcategories')->get();


In the relationship lacked only specify the relationship column:

class Categoria {

    public function categoriaPai() {
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Categoria','categoria_pai');

    public function categoriaFilho() {
        return $this->hasMany('App\Categoria','categoria_pai');


And to capture from a specific record, you could do it this way:

$categoria = App\Categoria::find(1);
$subcategorias = $categoria->categoriaPai()->get();

foreach ($subcategorias as $sub) {
    $subsubcategorias = $sub->categoriaPai()->get();
  • Thank you for the answer. In this case I would show a specific category and its subcategories. In case I need to list all and there may be infinite levels.

  • Someone knows another way?

  • 1

    @Buback In this case create a function that makes the recursion!

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