PHP Matrix How to Fill


Viewed 695 times


Guys want to fill this matrix. It works but when I try to put more than one result in the same line only the last one appears. How to fix?


//preencher o mapa
$mapa = array();

$linhas = $planeta->count();
$planeta = $planeta->toArray();


    for ($coluna=0;$coluna<=10;$coluna++){
        echo "<tr>";
        //echo $mapa[$coluna]['x']." | ".$mapa[$coluna]['y']."<br>" ;
        $x = (!empty($planeta[$coluna]['coordx'])) ? $x = $planeta[$coluna]['coordx'] : $x = NULL;
        $y = (!empty($planeta[$coluna]['coordy'])) ? $y = $planeta[$coluna]['coordx'] : $y = NULL;  

        for ($linha=0;$linha<=10;$linha++){

            //$y = (!empty($planeta[$linha]['coordy'])) ? $y = $planeta[$linha]['coordy'] : $y = NULL;  
            echo $x." - ".$y." - Coluna ".$coluna."<br>";

            if ($linha === $y && $coluna === $x){
                echo    "<td><a href='planetas/planeta?x=".$coluna."&y=".$linha."'>
                        <img src='/gm/img/game/planeta.png' height='30px' width='30px'></a>
            } else {
                echo "<td><a href='planetas/planeta?x=".$coluna."&y=".$linha."'>".$coluna."|".$linha."</a></td>";   

        echo "</tr>";
        //echo $x." | ".$y."<br>";
    //echo count($mapa);*/
  • Solved... for ($i=0; $i<$count ;$i++) { &#xA; $mapa[$planeta[$i]['coordx']][$planeta[$i]['coordy']]['x']=$planeta[$i]['coordx'];&#xA; $mapa[$planeta[$i]['coordx']][$planeta[$i]['coordy']]['y']=$planeta[$i]['coordy'];&#xA;}

  • 1

    Because you do not add this comment as an answer and mark it as solved, it could help others in the future, besides not leaving the question open and without "answer" accepted. =)

2 answers


I decided to change the code as follows:

 for ($i=0; $i<$count ;$i++) { 
  • Philip, you can accept your own answer as correct. So the question will be "closed". Hug!


You can try the following code:


$linhas = $planeta->count();
$planeta = $planeta->toArray();

for($linha = 0; $linha <= 10; $linha++){ //Como você vai iniciar o <tr> aqui, faz muito mais sentido chamar de linha

    echo "<tr>";

    for ($coluna = 0; $coluna <= 10; $coluna++){

        $x = $planeta[$coluna][$linha]['coordx'];
        $y = $planeta[$coluna][$linha]['coordy'];  

        if ($linha == $y && $coluna == $x){
                <a href='planetas/planeta?x=".$coluna."&y=".$linha."'>
                    <img src='/gm/img/game/planeta.png' height='30px' width='30px'>
        } else {
                <a href='planetas/planeta?x=".$coluna."&y=".$linha."'>".$coluna."|".$linha."</a>


    echo "</tr>";



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