Problem with Viewscoped Requestscoped and Session


Viewed 137 times


I have the following scenario:

A Datatable with a button that executes a Bean method, but this Datatable is using a Lazy Loading Pagination, but according to the session annotation that I use the button method is not executed or the session is terminated.

If I use the annotation in Bean:


The entire search for popular Datatable runs, but the edit button when triggered does not execute the Bean method.

I already use the annotation in Bean:


The search is not performed by complete, but the activation of the edit button executes the Bean method.

I create the Session through a Daofactory

public static DocumentoDAO criarDocumentoDAO() {
   DocumentoDAOHibernate documentoDAO  = new DocumentoDAOHibernate();
   return documentoDAO;

Any suggestions on how to resolve?

  • Does anyone have any suggestions?

1 answer


Using @RequestScoped, your data is only visible during the request. For manipulation of tables on a screen, I indicate the @ViewScoped, that will keep your data visible while staying on screen.

Read more about the scope of ManagedBeans here

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