Open hidden LINK in new javascript tab


Viewed 880 times


Through Stackoverflow I got a code that I was looking for, that serves to hide the target link, not to appear when pointing the mouse over the image or video that has the link, but now I need to, when clicking, open a new tab, and do not leave my blog.

The Code is as follows::

<div onclick="javascript:window.location.href = ' ';" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;">Teste</div>

1 answer


When you use window.location.href you are opening a new url on the same page. Since that is not what you want you should use open window.. Then you can wear something like

<div onclick="'http://www.o.url.que.queres', '_blank');" ...

But it seems to me that you are passing next to the easiest solution. If you do not want the mouse to change over a normal link (<a href="...">Link</a>) you can do it with CSS like this: (jsFiddle).


a.nostyle:link {
    text-decoration: inherit;
    color: inherit;
    cursor: default;

a.nostyle:visited {
    text-decoration: inherit;
    color: inherit;
    cursor: default;

And on the link/anchor you only need to add the class nostyle.

  • 1

    Very good Sergio, solved my problem expensive, as for CSS I did not need, with the code above and implementing with your code I managed to hide the link and when they click it is now opening in new tab. Congratulations and thank you very much!

  • 1

    @I know the code would work what I meant is that you can do the same with CSS and using anchors (<a>). It would be better from the point of view of functionality, semantics and SEO. But use how you feel more confident.

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