Concatenate number sum to a string


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I want to concatenate a sum of a number to a string in Javascript and had to resort to an auxiliary variable.

What I did first (incorrect example):

for (var i; i < x; i++)
  h = "texto" + x+1 + ".txt";


 for (var i; i < x; i++){
         var a = i+1;
         h = "texto" + a + ".txt"; 

Any solution for me to avoid that auxiliary variable?

Note: This is not the code I’m working with at the moment, it’s just to illustrate my problem. The exchange solution i++ for ++i, does not apply in my case.

  • 1

    Have you tried this? "texto" + (x+1) + ".txt"

  • No --', thanks mustache

  • In both versions you’re using the x differently. You can explain the role of x in the question?

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2 answers


Simply because there is a logic error in the first version. Where are you doing x + 1, and in the second version i + 1. I believe whatever you want to be i + 1. Also to a previous problem of operators, which can be solved by circulating the calculation with parentheses (i+1), making it run before concatenation. In addition to the problem of not adding initial value to i in the for: for (var i = 0; i < x; i++), that here for me also made it not work.

Follow example 1 corrected (Checks the output in your browser console(F12), after having run the snippet):

var x = 5;

for (var i = 0; i < x; i++){
  var h = "texto" + (i+1) + ".txt";


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