I’m making a website for upload of images, only, when I do the upload of two files with equal names, what there was before some of the file directory.
This is the code I use for upload:
echo "<center><h1>Please, select the files</h1></center>";
foreach($_FILES['file']['name'] as $key => $name){
if($_FILES['file']['error'][$key] == 0 && move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$key],"files/{$_FILES['file']['name'][$key]}")){
$link = "files/" . $_FILES['file']['name'][$key];
$name = $_FILES['file']['name'][$key];
$uploaded[] = $name;
The name the file is in the folder is defined by the line {$_FILES['file']['name'][$key]}
How to make the file name in the folder your encrypted name, to avoid the error I mentioned above?
What do you mean by "your encrypted name"? I mean, are you assuming that there is an encrypted name for the file? Where would it have been created?
– fbiazi
No, I want the file name in the folder to be an original encrypted file name
– João Victor Sierra
Sorry, I really don’t understand. Well,
are unidirectional encryption PHP functions, only if you are going to encrypt the file name, for equal names, it has equal results, unless you add a variable part in the name, for example the date/time, only this by itself will make the name different. And there is more: although the chance is really small, there is no guarantee that the result of an encryption will not repeat itself with other data.– fbiazi