Organizing EXCEL data


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My goal is to interpolate Cubic Spline. For this I am organizing my data as follows:

Em cada dia (COLUNAS) eu tenho valores para cada data (LINHAS). Na coluna B dia 02/01/2013 tenho 4 valores para 4 datas, por exemplo.

I made a simple modification. I calculated the working days between the day in column B and the dates. For the dates I have no value I don’t care about the working days. That way I got it:

A interpretação é simples: os dias uteis entre 03/04/2014 e o dia 29/01/2013 é 799

To fialize, My intention is to make a table in these molds:

That is, for the day (COLUMN!!) 02/01/2013 at the vertex (Line) 858 must appear the value 23. (First table) for the day (COLUMN!!) 10/01/2013 at the vertex (Row) 852 must appear the value 497. (First table) and so on....

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Guys, are you confused? I’ve been thinking all day and I’ve moved on to this point. I think it might even be simple. If it’s something simple it’s because I’m tired. rs

Thank you

  • I think your doubt refers to VBA and not VB, no? Although maybe not even this is necessary..

  • Math, I’m sorry I’ll edit. I’m thinking about doing a process but it’s not coming out.

  • Where you have line 858 and 852 in your images?

  • I added there....

  • Apparently a transposition from row 8 to column B solves your problem, but this is done only once, ie if you update row 8 the data in column B will not be updated. Does this solve for you? Or do you need a formula that keeps this replication of data in "real time"?

  • Perhaps it would be better to export the data to CSV and use a library that works with CSV, read the data work with an array and after that generate a new CSV,

  • Math, I don’t think q. My goal matrix is the third. So, column B row from row 46 can only have 4 values. and those 4 values shall be in line with the vertices: 1 (Line 46); 316 (Line 361); 818 (Line 863); 858 (Line 903).

  • Guilherme , vu try. My ability with excel is very limited. But, since it is a way out, I will try.

  • I confess that I was confused... if I can know what it is, real example, can facilitate understanding. You may want to try using 'Dice', along with 'correp' and link it to a 'procv' or 'proch', take a look at these formulas here <> Abs!

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