How to convert seconds to "Hour:Minute:Second" format?


Viewed 23,451 times


How can I convert a value in seconds to a format of 'hours:minutes:seconds'.

Example: 685 converted to 00:11:25

As I can do?

4 answers


  • I wanted to put wiki, but I’m not able to do it.

  • I speak the answer, and the question too.

  • 5

    I find the question valid and useful. I see no need to be converted to wiki


  • 1

    This code returns 0:11:25 and not 00:11:25 as intended by the AP


Beyond calculation, already passed by Maniero:

$horas = floor($total / 3600);
$minutos = floor(($total - ($horas * 3600)) / 60);
$segundos = floor($total % 60);

It is important to remember that if one of the numbers is smaller than 10, then a format like this can come out:


When the expected should be:


For this you can use str_pad or sprintf (this last suggestion from Wallace), as I suggested in /a/51828/3635:

function getFullHour($input) {
    $seconds = intval($input); //Converte para inteiro

    $negative = $seconds < 0; //Verifica se é um valor negativo

    if ($negative) {
        $seconds = -$seconds; //Converte o negativo para positivo para poder fazer os calculos

    $hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
    $mins = floor(($seconds - ($hours * 3600)) / 60);
    $secs = floor($seconds % 60);

    $sign = $negative ? '-' : ''; //Adiciona o sinal de negativo se necessário

    return $sign . sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', $hours, $mins, $secs);

echo getFullHour(685), PHP_EOL; //00:11:25

echo getFullHour(140801), PHP_EOL; //39:06:41
echo getFullHour(100800), PHP_EOL; //28:00:00

echo getFullHour(-140801), PHP_EOL; //-39:06:41
echo getFullHour(-100800), PHP_EOL; //-28:00:00

See an example in


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float time, hour, min, sec;
    scanf("%f", &time);
    hour = time / 3600;
    min = (((time/3600) - (int)hour) * 3600)/60;
    sec = (min - (int)min) * 60; 
    printf("%.0f\n%.0f\n%.0f\n", hour, min, sec);
    return 0;

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