How to box up when logged in


Viewed 697 times


Well, I created a system with $_SESSION, and would like to know how I could do for example. You have the login, the person logs into the index, and returns on the same logged in page, and you want some new things to appear to him, how could you do that?

3 answers


You can do a check in some $_SESSION field with isset. And after that display.


<html lang="pt-br">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="estilo.css">
  <form method="post" action="">

  <?php if ( isset($_SESSION) ){ ?>

  <div>Só será exibido se entrar no if.</div>

  <?php } ?>



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Explaining: I divided my page into small php files (with pure HTML elements) and check if the user is logged in if yes the page will be composed with a logout button if not with login and registration buttons.

    if((!isset($_SESSION['email']) == true) and (!isset($_SESSION['pass']) == true)){
            require_once 'components/modals/login-modal.php';
            require_once 'components/modals/create-account-modal.php';
            require_once 'components/modals/logout-modal.php';


After logging in, you can save a data to $_SESSION. Then you can check if this value exists using a if() and isset(), as suggested by @Allex.

function logar() {
  $_SESSION['logado'] = true;

/* ... depois ... */

  if ( isset($_SESSION['logado']) && $_SESSION['logado'] )
    echo "<b>Coisas especiais.</b>";
  } else {
    echo "<i>Nada especial.</i>";
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