How to authenticate on a server site?


Viewed 119 times


There is a login area on this website "" and would like to know if it is possible to log in via . NET or via client using post or something like.

  • What do you really need to do besides authenticate? Specify your question better.

  • After authenticating you would need to "download" the html to the server (I am developing an API), as you would need the information that is after the login area.

1 answer


What you need is to develop a web Crawler.

You can develop a Crawler in two different ways:

  • With a Webkit-based solution (the browser engine like Chrome, Safari and Opera), such as CasperJS, which is made upon the PhantomJS. Solutions of this type often emulate well what a "real" browser does, such as running Javascript, requests, AJAX, downloading images, etc. Usually these solutions are developed in Javascript.
  • Emulating HTTP requests in programming languages such as PHP, . Net, Java, etc. The problem in this case is that you would have to emulate every aspect of a real navigation and it turns out to be a lot more work - however, your control of the information is greater.
  • Is there any way to do on the server side?

  • 1

    @luckakashi both are on the server side :)

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