How to make the relationship of an extra field (pivot) in belongsToMany


Viewed 445 times


Currently I have the following situation:

  • 1 User can belong to several municipalities
  • Within that relationship - municipios_usuarios - I also need to save who made this relationship, ie usuario_id

public function municipios()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Projeto\DB\Municipio', 'municipios_usuarios')
        ->withPivot('criado_por_id', 'atualizado_por_id');

How do I set up in Laravel 5.1 the relationship of this new field so that I can access it this way (or any other):

@foreach ($usuario->municipios => $municipios)
    {!! $municipio->pivot->criadoPor->nome !!}

The only way I could do that was by making a join() manually, however I would like to use the Eloquent.

Most of all, thank you.

If you need more information, let me know.

  • I’m running out of time to assemble the answer, but I believe you’ll have to do something using this:

  • @gmsantos I checked out.

  • In this case hasManyThrough does not work.

  • A gambit I always do is: Without having an n:n table with other relationships, I create a middle table model.

3 answers


I believe that as in your pivot table you are just saving the user id, you will have to make a find with this id, or the very Join you commented.

According to the documentation, it does not associate the id obtained from the pivot with the model.

Unless you define a model for the pivot table and create its relationships with others. So you get this relationship you want.



public function municipios()

return $this->belongsToMany('Projeto\DB\Municipio', 'municipios_usuarios')

 ->withPivot(['criado_por_id', 'atualizado_por_id']);


try to put the clasps.

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