Node generating Json


Viewed 296 times


I have to develop a Java application that through a Json communicates with Node and changes the site language.

The problem is: the Node has to access the site’s literals/Labels at .txt and turn it into .json.

Using JSON.parser I was able to create an object and print the value key I specified, but I can’t make it one .json. Any help? Follow Node code:

 var sitecadastrar = '{"cadastrartitulo":"Registrierien Company",
"cadastrarnom edaempresa":"Unterhlnem Name",
"cadastrarnomedosegmento":"Segment", "cadastrarbt
nCadastrar":"Registrierien", "cadastrarop0":"Wahl ihre segment...",
"cadastrarop 1":"Raumfahrt und Verteidigung", 
"cadastrarop2":"Landwirtschaft", "cadastrarop3" :"Essen",
"cadastrarop4":"Autos", "cadastrarop5":"Grün Wirtschaft", 
"cadastrarop6":"Maschinen und Anlagen", "cadastrarop7":"Immobilienmarkt",
"cadastrarop8":"Fo rschung und Entwicklung", "cadastrarop9":"Erdöl und
Erdgas", "cadastrarop10":"Ge sundheits und Lebenswissenschaften",
"cadastrarop11":"Finanzdienstleistungen", "
cadastrarop12":"Informationstechnologie", "cadastrarop13":"Bildung",
"cadastraro p14":"Leistung", "cadastrarop15":"Verwaltung",
"cadastrarop16":"Bergbau", "cadas trarop17":"Auslagerung",
"cadastrarop18":"Kleidung/Mode", "cadastrarop19":"Ander e",
"cadastrarph":"Unternehmen Name"}';



{"cadastrartitulo":"Registrierien Company",
"cadastrarnomedaempresa":"Unterhlnem  Name",
"cadastrarbtnCadastrar":"Registrier ien", "cadastrarop0":"Wahl ihre
segment...", "cadastrarop1":"Raumfahrt und Verte idigung",
"cadastrarop2":"Landwirtschaft", "cadastrarop3":"Essen", "cadastrarop4
":"Autos", "cadastrarop5":"Grün Wirtschaft", "cadastrarop6":"Maschinen
und Anlag en", "cadastrarop7":"Immobilienmarkt",
"cadastrarop8":"Forschung und Entwicklung ", "cadastrarop9":"Erdöl und
Erdgas", "cadastrarop10":"Gesundheits und Lebenswis senschaften",
"cadastrarop11":"Finanzdienstleistungen", "cadastrarop12":"Informa
tionstechnologie", "cadastrarop13":"Bildung",
"cadastrarop14":"Leistung", "cadas trarop15":"Verwaltung",
"cadastrarop16":"Bergbau", "cadastrarop17":"Auslagerung" ,
"cadastrarop18":"Kleidung/Mode", "cadastrarop19":"Andere",
"cadastrarph":"Unte rnehmen Name"}


var obj = JSON.parse(sitecadastrar); 



{ cadastrartitulo: 'Registrierien Company',   
 cadastrarnomedaempresa:  'Unterhlnem Name',   cadastrarnomedosegmento:
 'Segment',   cadastrarbtnCadastrar: 'Registrierien',   cadastrarop0:
 'Wahl ihre segment...',   cadastrarop1: 'Raumfahrt und Verteidigung', 
 cadastrarop2: 'Landwirtschaft',   cadastrarop3: 'Essen',  
 cadastrarop4: 'Autos',   cadastrarop5: 'Grün Wirtschaft',  
 cadastrarop6: 'Maschinen und Anlagen',   cadastrarop7:
 'Immobilienmarkt',   cadastrarop8: 'Forschung und Entwicklung',  
 cadastrarop9: 'Erdöl und Erdgas',   cadastrarop10: 'Gesundheits und
 Lebenswissenschaften',   cadastrarop11: 'Finanzdienstleistungen',  
 cadastrarop12: 'Informationstechnologie',   cadastrarop13: 'Bildung', 
 cadastrarop14: 'Leistung',   cadastrarop15: 'Verwaltung',  
 cadastrarop16: 'Bergbau',   cadastrarop17: 'Auslagerung',  
 cadastrarop18: 'Kleidung/Mode',   cadastrarop19: 'Andere',  
 cadastrarph: 'Unternehmen Name' } 



Unternehmen Name 

  • Guys, actually, I needed Node to access my.txt file and generate a json with what’s inside it.

  • What are these undefined throughout the question? which of the JSON is the one in the txt file? the txt file is unique or there are several?

2 answers


To read a text file and make it an object, in Nodejs, you have to use the fs (filesystem) and the JSON.parse();

var fs = require('fs');
var object;

object = JSON.parse(fs.readFile('ficheiro.txt', function(err,data) { return data; }));

object now contains the json that is inside the file.


Install npm on Node, use the Fylesystem (Fs) module with the "npm install" command at the prompt.

After, format to json with the "strinffy" function and use the "writeFileSync" method, as ex below.

var fs = require('fs');

var sitecadastrar ="xxxxxx";

var data = JSON.stringify(sitecadastrar);


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