Android open image by the way


Viewed 454 times


We can see that there are several tutorials on how to save the path of an image, being a photo of the camera or selecting from the gallery, until then ok, but how to search again the image along the way? I searched in several tutorials but could not find a solution, someone has been through this problem?

  • 1

    What you have so far? where are saved the SDCARD photos or internal memory? and which version you use android?

  • First is to know where Voce recorded this image! the following is documentation:

1 answer


Just once you have the image address, just call an Internet to open.

private void openFullImage( String uriString )
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse( uriString ), "image/*");

I hope you solve your problem.

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