How to check if a class is using a Trait?


Viewed 68 times


How can we know if a class uses a Trait?

For example:

trait Setter
   protected $vars = [];

   public function __set($key, $value)
       $this->vars[$key] = $value;

class User
   use Setter;

$user = new User;

if ($user contém o trait Setter) {
   // faça alguma coisa

According to the given code, how to know that $user is using the trait Setter?

  • 1

    Wallace today is too much with the questions :) +1

  • 1

    Sometimes I already know the answer to some, but I ask only to have in SOPT :)

  • I know Wallace :)

2 answers


Another way to find out if the trait exists in a class is through the method RelectionClass::getTraits


$reflection = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');

if (in_array($trait, $reflection->getTraits())) {

    // Trait existe


$reflection = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');

if (isset($reflection->getTraits()[$trait])) {

    // Trait existe


There is a function in PHP that is class_uses.

Check the link class_uses

  • So, so, we have to the php 5.4 > the following way to check whether there is isset(class_uses($user, true)['TraitUser']);

  • @Wallacemaxters something is going on for my response to have been changed after you validated it

  • In fact, the classe_uses was without the ``


  • without any problem... the question is yours and the answer was short and direct because I have nothing else to add. Since your preference goes to the Reflectionclass solution I do not recommend it in production code. so my answer in my opinion is possible within the question made... the rest is up to you. no drama!

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