In Laravel 4, how do I convert the Model output to XML?


Viewed 97 times


In Laravel, how could I transform the following result below to an XML structure?

$usuarios = Usuario::with('nivel')->where(['status' => 1])->get()->toArray();

// Resultado:
   'usuarios' => [
       0 => [
                'id'   => 1,
                'nome' => 'Wallace',
                'nivel_id' => 4,
                'nivel'    => [
                    'id' => 4,
                    'nome' => 'Produção'

        1 => [
                'id'   => 2,
                'nome' => 'Wayne',
                'nivel_id' => 5,
                'nivel'    => [
                    'id' => 5,
                    'nome' => 'Recepção'


How could I use objects Model and Collection, to convert to XML?

Remark: THE Model is returning by the call of first, and Collection, by the call of get.

  • 1

    You can use package: With it you can generate the returns for XML :)

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