I have a javascript function that runs on the onclick of the new button and creates two HTML objects. The problem is that at the end of the function, the page is re-loading and deleting what was created. What to do so that this does not happen and the created fields continue on the page? Follows the code:
var i = 1;
function novo() {
var form, quant;
if (parseInt(i) < 51) {
form = "<table width='96%' border='0'><tr><td width='8%' class='tblNormal' align='Right'>Protocolo:</td>"
form = form + "<td width='12%' class='tblNormal'><input type='hidden' name='tit" + i + "'> <input type='text' onkeypress='FiltraTecla(event);' name='ptcl" + i + "' value='' size='10' maxlength='10' onblur='javascript:pesquisa(this.name, " + i + ")'>"
form = form + "<td width='8%' class='tblNormal' align='Right'>Nome:</td>"
form = form + "<td width='38%' class='tblTexto'><span id='nome" + i + "'></span></td>"
form = form + "<td width='14%' class='tblNormal' align='Right'>CNPJ/CPF:</td>"
form = form + "<td width='21%' class='tblTexto'><span id='cpf" + i + "'></span></td>"
form = form + "</tr></table>"
//quantidade = i
document.getElementById('qtd').value = i;
document.frm.qtd.value = i;
i = i + 1;
formularios.innerHTML = formularios.innerHTML + form + "<br>";
else {
alert("Numero máximo de devoluções por página.");
Asp.net code:
<form name="frm" runat="server">
<div id="page-wrapper">
<div class="content-wrapper">
<div class="container-fluid">
<br />
<br />
<br />
<div align="center">
<table border="0">
<td align="center" colspan="5"><font color="red"><b></b></font></td>
<td class="titulo" colspan="6" align="center">
<h2>Cadastra Documento</h2>
<td class="tblNormal" width="50%" colspan="1" align="Right">Data:</td>
<td class="tblNormal" width="50%" colspan="1">
<asp:TextBox ID="txData" runat="server" maxlength="8" onblur="formataData(this, event);"></asp:TextBox>
<td class="tblNormal" align="right">CPF/CNPJ do Sacado/Devedor:</td>
<td class="tblNormal" valign="middle">
<asp:TextBox ID="CPF" runat="server" maxlength="14" onblur="valida();"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="Nome" runat="server" Visible="false"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtQtd" runat="server" Visible="false"></asp:TextBox>
<span id="formularios"></span>
<asp:HiddenField ID="qtd" runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="btnNovo" runat="server" Text="Novo" OnClientClick="novo(ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$qtd.value);" CssClass="btn btn-default" />
<asp:Button ID="btnEnviar" runat="server" Text="Enviar" OnClientClick="enviar();" CssClass="btn btn-default" />
I made the suggested changes, and continues to re-load the page!
– Germano Sampaio
When I debug IE it mounts HTML like this: <input type="button" name="ctl00$Contentplaceholder1$btnNovo" value="New" onclick="new();__doPostBack('ctl00$Contentplaceholder1$btnNovo',')" id="Contentplaceholder1_btnnovo" class="btn btn-default" />
– Germano Sampaio
@Germanosampaio testa
OnClientClick="return novo(ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$qtd.value);"
and in functionreturn false;
on the last line.– Sergio
Return false was already there. Denton just put the Return in the function call and it worked. Thanks!
– Germano Sampaio