Manipulating url with javascript


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I own a blog and migrated platform (Blogger -> Wordpress) and I also changed the domain. For newer articles I do not face any problem, however articles older than one or two years, there are links spread across the web with the old domain.

I need to manipulate the URL as follows:

When the user accesses the link, for example:

You are shown a message saying that the blog has changed its address and a link is generated according to the URL of the active page (I prefer this to automatically redirect the user, however, I do not rule out this solution) :

The domain is different, however the structure of the URL is the same on both platforms.

I read some tutorials about this with PHP, however, in Blogger I can only work with HTML and javascript.

  • Is the old domain in your name? You have access to it?

  • Yes @Sergio, is a domain "", the new domain is ""

  • I think it would be better to do this redirect where you have the domain registered. A simple "forward".

  • It turns out that the first (old) domain is on Google’s servers and the second (new) one is on a server I hired and in this case I can only redirect the domains registered on this server.

  • 1

    What is the Google product/service you contracted? Can’t you download the domain? or simply park the phone and forward?

1 answer


Here is an example>>

var ok = window.location.pathname;'' +ok, target="_self");
document.write('<center><p><h4>O Website Movido.<p>Redirecionando</p><p>Caso não seja redirecionado automáticamente </h4><h2><br><a href="" onclick="javascript:window.location="'+ window.location.pathname +' '+ +'">Clique aqui.</a></p></h2></br>');

I hope it was helpful. : ) [I couldn’t be sure what you want to do..]

  • This response implies having 2 online sites when the redirect should be done via at the previous level. Domain redirect, or less bad on htaccess, a little worse on PHP and a little worse on HTML head with metatags. Do so in Javascript (I think) which is the worst solution. Until because the search engines will not have the code of redirect

  • (y) Yes, More was answering what he asked, As you said, It really is one of the worst methods, More as the blogspot is very limited, It may even be a good method.

  • 1

    Your answer is valid. I have commented for the user to have more information.. I will continue to ask for more information so we have more data on the service it has and see if there is another option.

  • 1

    Thank you, Sergio and Mega, for the information and knowledge transmitted. The solution presented by Mega worked and, although not the best solution, is the best for Blogger. Thank you

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