Data Datepicker - Processing


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The date I have on datepicker is in format dd/mm/yy, however, the date in the database is yy-mm-dd (date field). How do I make datepicker to display the default BR date and when it comes via POST, enter as EN format?

3 answers


I usually treat this data on the server side, and using PHP I do so:

<input type="text" name="minha_data" 
 id="minha_data" class="form-control data datepicker" 
 value="<?php data_us_to_br($geral->dt_atendimento); ?>"    
 placeholder="dd/mm/aaaa" maxlength="10" minlength="10" />

and on the server side, when I will receive the POST like this:

$valorMinhaData = data_br_to_us($_POST['dt_verificacao']);

and the functions I’m using in the case are these :

function data_us_to_br($dateUSA)
    if($dateUSA) {
         $ano = substr($dateUSA, 0, 4);
         $mes = substr($dateUSA, 5, 2);
         $dia = substr($dateUSA, 8, 2);
         $dateBR = $dia .'/'. $mes .'/'. $ano;

         return $dateBR;

    return NULL;

function data_br_to_us($dateBR)
    if($dateBR) {
         $ano = substr($dateBR, 6, 4);
         $mes = substr($dateBR, 3, 2);
         $dia = substr($dateBR, 0, 2);
         $dateUSA = $ano .'-'. $mes .'-'. $dia;

         return $dateUSA;

    return NULL;


If you want to deal with sending:

var dataQuebrada = $("#datepicker").val().split("/");
var novaData = new Date("20" + dataQuebrada[2], dataQuebrada[1] - 1, dataQuebrada[0]); 
// new Date(year, month, day);
// -1 no mês porque ele começa do 0
// "20", pois você só tem os 2 últimos digitos

If you want to deal with receiving:

var $datepicker = $("#datepicker");
var dataQuebrada = $("#datepicker").val().split("-");
var novaData = new Date("20" + dataQuebrada[0], dataQuebrada[1] - 1, dataQuebrada[2]); 
$datepicker.datepicker('setDate', novaData);
  • I don’t understand... The Post comes in php.

  • @Andrébaill I updated the answer


Da p/ do so with a single command line:

var d = $.datepicker.formatDate( "yy-mm-dd", $('#calendario').datepicker('getDate') );

Where the variable d is in mysql format

And the $('#calendario'). datepicker('getDate') Take whatever format is

  • But how do I get it back in php? Grateful

  • in this case you can use javascript to fill in some field of your form and send by Submit, or make an ajax, whatever it is

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