Sum of items when changing a record


Viewed 63 times


I have 3 items Accessories, Tires and Vehicles, the values are added to a maintenance screen that is the main one. The problem is that when it is to change only one of the items, the added value is just what I selected. But it is not updated with the other values

var TotalVeiculo; 
var TotalAcessorio;
var TotalPneu; 

function Somatorio(){
    TotalVeiculo = TotalVeiculo != undefined?TotalVeiculo:0;
    TotalAcessorio = TotalAcessorio != undefined?TotalAcessorio:0;
    TotalPneu = TotalPneu != undefined?TotalPneu:0;

    vmObjeto.selecionado.VlrTotalManutencao = (TotalVeiculo + TotalAcessorio + TotalPneu);
    $("#total").html("R$ " + vmObjeto.selecionado.VlrTotalManutencao + ",00");

function RetornoItemsa(aTela, aItens, pneu, total, quantia) {           
    var window = $(aTela).data("kendoWindow");

    ItensVeiculos =  aItens;
    TotalVeiculo = parseFloat(total);
    $("#btnItensVeiculos").html(" Veículos("+quantia+")");

function RetornoItemsb(aTela, aItens, pneu, total, quantia) {   
    var window = $(aTela).data("kendoWindow");
        ItensAcessoriosVeiculos =  aItens;
        TotalAcessorio = parseFloat(total);
        $("#btnItensAcessoriosVeiculos").html("Acessórios ("+quantia+")");

function RetornoItemsc(aTela, aItens, pneu, total, quantia) {   
    var window = $(aTela).data("kendoWindow");

        ItensPneusVeiculos = aItens;
        TotalPneu = parseFloat(total);
        $("#btnItensPneusVeiculos").html("Pneus ("+quantia+")");
  • The question is missing code. Can you do a jsFiddle and [edit] the question to put it together? So it’s easy to help.

  • Actually my problem is in this part, the retonositem a, b, and c, comes from another window all with total parameters, which will be stored in the var Vlrtotalmanutenção. Then I say that Vlrtotalmanutenion is equal to the total of all items. Let’s say I just want to add the accessory item, the other items "Tires and vehicles" can’t be added tbm. It’s like the values don’t update c.

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