How to scroll infinity with pure javascript?


Viewed 3,827 times


I’m trying to implement an infinite scroll on my site, like this one, but I’m having trouble making the script that picks up the mouse scrolling event. I tried using this script (below) that I picked up on a website, but it’s not exactly what I need. Does anyone have any suggestions?

function handle(delta) {
    var nav = document.getElementById('navegacao');
    var ln = nav.getElementsByTagName('a');
    if (delta < 0){

function wheel(event){
    var delta = 0;
    if (!event) event = window.event;
    if (event.wheelDelta) {
        delta = event.wheelDelta/120; 
    } else if (event.detail) {
        delta = -event.detail/3;
    if (delta)
        if (event.preventDefault)
        event.returnValue = false;

/* Initialization code. */
if (window.addEventListener)
    window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', wheel, false);
    window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = wheel;
  • What does this code do that you don’t like? What exactly do you need to do?

  • So @bfavaretto I need that when I scroll the mouse move to the next element of my page like this: but this code (which I posted and was the only one I found), jumps two in two Oo elements

  • That site there does not pass in Pagespeed: his preloader is close to 20% here already almost a minute ago.

  • hahahaha @Gustavorodrigues It really is a very heavy site, it has many images but it is a well done site (the design part at least rs)

  • I still hope that the Pagespeed popularize, even more here in Brazil where the speeds are not so high. I hope he finishes charging so I can comment on him.

  • Page uploaded! This page doesn’t need a preloader for the images so much. Organize the elements first then load the images as the user navigates through the images.

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3 answers


Dommousescroll only works on Firefox, you also have to use onmousescroll to work on other browsers. I made an example of paging with scroll like the link you posted in jsFiddle:

  • did not work in Chrome.

  • Exactly, I tested here and nothing happened @Pauloroberto

  • @Pauloroberto got something,css,js,output

  • still not what you wanted @Odair?

  • Yes, that’s exactly it, but I wanted to make the call in my javascript and not in the div as I did, you know if you have this possibility @Pauloroberto?

  • what do you mean by this @odair ? I could not understand, can explain better?

  • Sorry @Pauloroberto, I’m starting programming now hehehe so in case I made the call of my function in div <divclass="box" id="window-home" onMouseWheel="Picture()"></div>, can I call her in the script? something like window.onMouseWheel...

  • see my reply @Odair

  • 1

    I updated the link in the reply, working on Chrome.

  • Thank you very much @Wynn :)

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In a generic way to make an infinite scroll page is sort of like this, but in case what you want is to do like a parallax.

Just like in the example of infinite scroll what you can do is prevent successive events from being processed, so use a timeout:

var scrolling;
function wheel () {
  if (scrolling) {return;}

  scrolling = true;
  setTimeout(function () {
    scrolling = false;
  }, 200 /* o tempo para animar a página */);

  /* o resto da função */


With the code you developed here that would be:

var count=0;
function Picture(){
    if (event.wheelDelta >= 4){
        if(count == 3){
    else if (event.wheelDelta <= 4)
        if(count == 0){
    return false;
function Resize(c){    
    var nav = document.getElementById('navegacao');
    var btn = nav.getElementsByTagName('li');
    var ln = nav.getElementsByTagName('a');

Using the direct call on <div> of your html:

<divclass="box" id="janela-home" onMouseWheel="Picture()"></div>

You would like to call in js for it to run in window, so you should remove this event onMouseWheel html and use the following code:

var mousewheelevt=(/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent))? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel" //Firefox não reconhece o mouseWheel na versão FF3.x

if (document.attachEvent) //para IE (e Opera dependendo das configurações do usuário)
    document.attachEvent("on"+mousewheelevt, function(e){Picture()})
else if (document.addEventListener) //WC3 browsers
    document.addEventListener(mousewheelevt, function(e){Picture()}, false);


  • 1

    Thank you @Pauloroberto! It worked right!

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