Data overwrite to cycle for


Viewed 189 times


I have the following table:

tabela formulário

This table is dynamic and works like form, IE, the user when clicking Novo a new row is created with the dynamic fields. By clicking Salvar Dados all user-created lines are saved. So far so good. But what I’m doing is giving the user the possibility to insert Files, so I have a input type="file" also dynamic for each line (this to hidden), where to upload the data to the controller from a ajaxSubmit (I’m working on ASP MVC 4).

My problem now it is: By doing the ajaxSubmit, the javascript is overwriting data from id's dynamics that I have for the input file. Follows the function:

function submitDocCertISCC(numID, DivNrFicha) {
$("#formSaveFile" + numID + "_" + DivNrFicha + "").ajaxSubmit({
    type: "POST",
    url: $("#formSaveFile").attr("action"),
    clearForm: true,
    data: { numID: numID, DivNrFicha: DivNrFicha }

I call the function up while running a cycle for where I will store each row of the table at a time, and it works well. Now comes the part of saving the file and only saves the file from the last row. As far as I can tell, he’s going to the next step of the cycle for without first finishing doing the ajaxSubmit.

How can I get around this and make him not jump the cycle without finishing this function?


Cycle For:

for (var i = 1; i <= window.numAutoDeclaracaoISCC; i++) {

$.getJSON("/Terceiros/saveAutoDeclar", { // Gravar dados da linha
                DivNrFicha: DivNrFicha, dtaEmissao: dtaEmissao, NumAutoDeclar: NumAutoDeclar, DtValid: DtValid, EmitidoPor: EmitidoPor,
                Anexo: Anexo, DtEntregaTec: DtEntregaTec, DtRecepcao: DtRecepcao
            function (result) {
                submitDocCertISCC(i, DivNrFicha); // Fazer submit do form com o ficheiro

  • Can show wider code context?

  • Updated. In the for cycle I did not upload the data to be sent to .getJSON, I do not think it is important for the issue

  • Aha, now it’s clear the problem.

2 answers


The problem is just what you suspected: as the call ajax is asynchronous, your callbacks are being called after the end of the cycle for, when the value of i will be window.numAutoDeclaracaoISCC. This is because the scope of i is a single, the context where this code is (in Javascript, there is no block scope, only function).

A simple solution is to add an intermediate function to capture (close over) each value of i:

for (var i = 1; i <= window.numAutoDeclaracaoISCC; i++) {
    // assume que DivNrFicha é definido aqui
    $.getJSON("/Terceiros/saveAutoDeclar", { // Gravar dados da linha
            DivNrFicha: DivNrFicha,
            dtaEmissao: dtaEmissao,
            NumAutoDeclar: NumAutoDeclar,
            DtValid: DtValid,
            EmitidoPor: EmitidoPor,
            Anexo: Anexo,
            DtEntregaTec: DtEntregaTec,
            DtRecepcao: DtRecepcao
        (function(i, DivNrFicha) {
            return function (result) {
                submitDocCertISCC(i, DivNrFicha); // Fazer submit do form com o ficheiro
        }(i, DivNrFicha));
  • Still having the same problem. If you enter only two lines it inserts the two files, but at the value of i going 2 on both lines instead of 1, save and increment and then 2.

  • Are you sure it’s the i and not the DivNrFicha? I think you need to pass this second to the function too (I will update the answer).

  • Yes, the DivNrFicha contains a number corresponding to "Auto Declaration"

  • "close over": I call it IIFE.

  • @Gustavorodrigues Yes, it is an IIFE. And also a closure. I used "close over" as a translation of "capture".


Use {async: true} in the ajaxSubmit() call, so the system will await termination (200 OK) of each request.

$("#formSaveFile" + numID + "_" + DivNrFicha + "").ajaxSubmit({
    type: "POST",
    async: true,
    url: $("#formSaveFile").attr("action"),
    clearForm: true,
    data: { numID: numID, DivNrFicha: DivNrFicha }
  • 3

    Notããããããããooooooo! : ) This will lock the page until the request is completed. The ideal would be to use callbacks.

  • @bfavaretto thought of it too, but it seems to be exactly the problem for the above-mentioned scenario - of course a refactoring could be done.

  • Actually, it doesn’t solve @Tiagocésaroliveira

  • @Cesarmiguel could please update your question with the full source of for?

  • I already posted @Tiagocésaroliveira

  • Dude, you have a whole asynchronous call. Without testing, from experience, I believe the error is there. I recommend, for verification purposes only, turn your call into getJSON synchronous (using .ajax with dataType JSON, for example). If it works as it should, you have the diagnosis set up. If it is, in its place, would seek to change the logic to already save when it is selected the file to upload.

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