Location of specific points on maps


Viewed 555 times


Hello I am developing an application that works with the Jxmapviewer library in the java language, one of the proposals is to find geolocation points (ex: stops/snack bars) in a certain street that the user selects.

The geolocation information of the points and the user’s location are already known. The problem is to restrict the search only to the street where the user selects using the library. I don’t know how to check whether or not the point is on the given street.

Example of geolocation already provided:

GeoPosition ponto = new GeoPosition(ponto.getLatitude(), ponto.getLongitude());

ponto vermelho o usuário e na rua selecionada os pontos verdes

Someone who has worked with similar or similar problems could provide an example?

  • Emanoel, this might help you: http://answall.com/questions/55669/identificar-se-conjuo-coordinate

  • Hello @Geisonsantos I’m already managing to paint the geolocation on the map, my biggest problem is to restrict the points on certain streets..

1 answer


Conceptually speaking, what you should do is first input the class you indicate, of the user’s geographic location coordinates, returning to the method their longitudinal coordinates and magnitude.
This can be done by tracking the user’s position, or, for example by using a GUI (Graphic user interface), for this you should select the points, and have a function that validates this.

To select the street, you should very briefly select the geolocation variable from the street. And in doing so, creating a function that selects the street, if not in that library, there is certainly the possibility of finding a method or an external class to do this. at last, you can implement the root class. I hope I could be useful.

  • James, welcome to [en.so]. If you give [Dit] the answer and join examples would be excellent.

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