<asp:Content ID="Javascript" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#estados").change(function () {
var uf = listaCidade($(this).val());
//chamada ajax para a Action ListaCidade
//passando como parâmetro a Estado selecionado
function listaCidade(uf) {
// <%=Url.Action("listaCidade")%>
$.getJSON('/AdmPaginaBranca/listaCidade/' + uf, listaCidadeCallBack);
//função que irá ser chamada quando terminar
//a chamada ajax
function listaCidadeCallBack(json) {
//Limpar os itens que são maiores que 0
//Ou seja: não retirar o primeiro item
$(json).each(function (id, nome) {
//adicionando as opções de acordo com o retorno
$("#cidades").append("<option value='" + this.id + "'>" + this.nome + "</option>");
public ActionResult listaCidade(int id)
cidadeEstadoDAO obj = new cidadeEstadoDAO();
var estado = obj.CarregarComboCidade(id);
var data = estado.Select(m => new { m.id, m.nome }).ToList();
return Json(new { Result = data }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I have the following problem: when I select the state in dropdownlist
, he calls the method normally and makes the select at the bank (checked by "inspect item") however, at the dropdown
of the city, it is coming with the value Undefined. When I put a alert
in "id" or "name" appears Undefined also.
Some charitable soul can help me?
Check the name of the attributes. If you are wrong (even a lowercase letter in the wrong place). Try to access
by the browser and see the return.– Randrade
tried to make a
return Json(data, JsonRequest...)
straightforward?– Maicon Carraro
So, I think the problem is not in the method but in the jQuery code, I checked the action through the browser and it’s bringing everything.. " Result: [{id: 1200013, name: "Acrelândia"}, {id: 1200054, name: "Assis Brasil"},... ]".. I believe the problem is time to drop the list. I forgot to mention.. i don’t know anything about javascript/jQuery kk, so I’ll ask for your patience
– Rodrigo Detomini
@Rodrigodetomini has done the debug of this JS?
– Leonel Sanches da Silva
@ Maicon Carraro thank you so much for the tip! that was the reason that was not returning from the controler!. I did straight as Oce spoke and it worked out that it’s a beauty!!! thank you so much to everyone who helped!
– Rodrigo Detomini