I am creating an event website for a friend, and for the registration form I have the following situation:
<h1>Formulario de Inscrição</h1>
<form name="incrição">
<b>Nome Completo:</b></br> <input type="text" size="100" placeholder="Digite seu nome completo" required></br></br>
<b>Endereço:</b></br> <input type="text" size="100" placeholder="Digite seu endereço - Rua ******** ***** ****** Nº***" required></br></br>
<b>Telefone:</b></br> <input type="text" size="100" placeholder="(DDD) 9XXXX -XXXX" required maxlength="12" >
<b>Incrição para o campeonato de:</b></br>
<select name="Inscrição">
<option method="post" value="Cosplay" name="Cosplay">Cosplay</option>
<option method="post" value="Smite" name="Smite">Smite</option>
<option method="post" value="" name="K-pop">K-Pop</option>
<option method="post" value="Bey Blade" name="Bey Blade">Bey Blade</option>
<option method="post" value="Just Dance" name="Just Dance">Just Dance</option>
<option method="post" value="Quadribol" name="Quadribol">Quadribol Terrestre</option>
<option method="post" value="Anime Quiz" name="Anime Quiz" value="cosplay">Anime Quiz<option>
<option method="post" value="Desenho" name="Desenho" value="cosplay">Competição de Desenho</option>
I need that when the option "Cosplay" is selected for example, new inputs appear below the option with new questions, since each registration has different requirements... Ex: Character:
Hi Fernanda, welcome! I think the simplest thing is to create all the HTML and then help you hide (and disable) the parts that are not selected. That way you don’t need to create new elements.
– Sergio
Good evening, I wonder if the answer helped you, if not please comment on what you think is missing.
– Guilherme Nascimento