Javascript - Filling Textbox with numbers, strings and dates in a boleto


Viewed 83 times


I am trying to get a ticket filled automatically when selecting a row from a table. In this case, there are textbox (or text inputs) that must be filled with some values. My function is

function verBoleto(nossonumero,valor,dataemissao,datavencimento,razaosocial){
    var d = new Date();
        dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
    // Data de processamento é a data atual.


But for now without much result. The field nossonumero is filled without problems. The value field is showing dot number before decimals or instead of comma. The issue and maturity dates are coming with comma number (01/06/2015 comes 0.00008271298593879239, for example). And the social reason doesn’t even appear filled in the Textbox.

What can you do in this case?

  • What gives console.log(nossonumero,valor,dataemissao,datavencimento,razaosocial); in the first line of this function?

  • Where JS parameter values come from?

  • Sergio, how do I do this console.log? Paulo, The values of the parameters come from an SQL query and are displayed in a table.

  • @Gustavohoppelevin opens the console by pressing F12 or right-clicking on the page by selecting "no need"

  • By debbuger, the onclick function is, for example: onclick="verBoleto(63271038641,687.75,30/05/2015,18/06/2015,TEST NAME)". I already got the value scheme to convert the semicolon, so only the dates and the social reason name are missing (he accuses being missing a ')' because the social reason is a full name with white spaces in the middle).

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