Assembly structure in a project using the Pattern MVVM


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I’m having trouble organizing the Solution of a project using the MVVM. I don’t use any MVVM framework.

I currently have the following structure:

    --- AppView (Projeto principal onde estão as views e que é iniciado pelo App.xaml)
    --- AppViewModel (Assembly que contém as viewmodels)
    --- AppModel (Assembly que contém os modelos de dados - Pessoa.cs, Cliente.cs, etc...)

The references are:

AppView -> AppViewModel -> AppModel

When starting the application is presented to AppView.MainWindow. This holds the viewmodel - AppViewModel.MainWindowViewModel (in separate Assembly).

The difficulty arose when I need this viewmodel open another Window, since I can’t do it on Assembly AppViewModel, due to references.

So I’d like to know if anyone has an example of pattern MVVM with a structure in which the assemblies of view and viewmodel are distinct.

  • If "open window" is "navigate to window", this can be done with a navigation service implemented twice as much as @Cigano Morrison Mem suggested.

  • I recommend this guide:

1 answer


This is done by callbacks and delegates, which is a chargeable function object. At some point you will have to fill this function object when instantiating your class ViewModel. I think the right way is by interfaces. You can do something like this:


public interface IObjeto
    void MeuMetodo();

Object of Appview:

public class Objeto: IObjeto
    public void MeuMetodo()
        // Faz alguma coisa, como chamar a janela, por exemplo.

Class of the Viewmodel:

public class ClasseDoViewModel
    private IObjeto _objetoDoCallback;

    public ClasseDoViewModel(IObjeto objetoDoCallback) 
        _objetoDoCallback = objetoDoCallback;

    public static void ChamarJanela(IObjeto objetoDoCallback)

You can even extend this standard to your AppModel.

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