How to read a DLL with Cordova or Javascript


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I’m creating a app that to communicate with my server I need to create a hash variable that depends on the class, function and parameters I am sending. the server validates this information and only then continues its process.

Today, the only way we can find in the project for this encryption to be done is:

  • i relating this DLL in a webservice where I send all my parameters,
  • she generates my hash encrypted and return me the data,
  • I got this hash, return to a second function that sends data+hash
  • the server understands my request, treats, and returns me the result

in the above system, I have 2 requests involving communication and cause a delay absurd and unnecessary in the requests, and the only solution would be to have this DLL in my application Cordova and read it.

Does anyone know how I can solve this problem?

  • 1

    Two points: 1) You are aware that you will need a compiled "DLL" version for each device type and architecture, correct? On Android would be through OS files compiled with NDK, on iOS, there is not the equivalent of a DLL as this is not allowed by the rules of the App Store. On Windows Phone I’m not aware of the process. 2) You mentioned WCF. Are you sure your target platform supports WCF? It would be good to make these points clear.

  • William, I understand what you say, so much so that I am seeking another solution. My problem is that I’m just the Mobile Developer of the solution and the encryption that was created in VB I can’t play in HTML5 because the person who created it used a library for that. Even though I try to play with Cryptojs, the lib in VB has a lot of stuff I can’t understand.

  • Can’t you implement in Java by creating a plugin for Cordova just to process the hash? Or talk to the developer who did it in VB to release the code for you to adapt. Because if the time of requests already worries you, the time to generate the hash (if it is complex) in Javascript will not be too fast either. Ah, another serious alternative to reduce a request, pass the parameters to the server to generate the hash and with Curl or another library makes it request all data and return everything to you. It can get faster =)

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