How to make a set of images pass in js?


Viewed 33 times


Well my question is this::

I have a PHP form that when you click PHP draws one of the following colors: yellow, orange, red, purple or green.

Well what I wanted to know was if there was a way for PHP to pass this color sorted for javascript and javascript to "run the roulette" so that the color selected by PHP came out.

Below shows some examples of my roulette, the roulette when you pass the mouse, the color gets stronger.


  • Your question is to pass the PHP information pro javascript or assemble the roulette?

  • Exactly, my doubt is basically the following, PHP tells JS that the color that fell is Red, so I want q to appear the colors in order until you get to the red so "simulate" that the red fell.

  • What have you done so far?

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