export json file


Viewed 366 times


I’m using nodejs, Mongoose.

No controllers at the end give a res.json(clientes); and on my route I create:
app.get('/clientesjson/:id', isLoggedIn, cliente.clientesjson);

I need to access my Json information from the ID. As of now, any information I type in the ID location will open my Json file If I type:


Open the Json file.

I want to know how to set an id and only open from it.


1 answer


That one :id will be accessible on req.params.id. So you have to create a middleware that uses that information and responds accordingly.

For example:

function usarId(req, res, next){
    var id = req.params.id;
    // fazer algo aqui com o ID
    // por exemplo:
    res.locals.id = id;

app.get('/clientesjson/:id', isLoggedIn, usarId, cliente.clientesjson);

If what you want is to check if a URL matches with a certain ID then you can do it in middleware:

var userID = 'xpto';
function verificarId(req, res, next){
    var id = req.params.id;
    if (id != userID) res.status(401).send('Esse ID não está correto');
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