How to apply String formatting in Datagrid - WPF


Viewed 903 times


I have a Data Grid in WPF that has columns of CPF, RG, CEP and others, I need to do the formatting for:

CPF: 111.111.111-11

RG: 11.111.111-1 With number at the end

RG: 11.111.111-A With letter at the end

CEP: 11111-11

Just populate the data and do not format.

<Window x:Class="ProjSistema.Wpf.Cadastro.Teste"
    Title="Teste" Height="300" Width="300">
    <DataGrid  Name="dtgTeste" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="CPF" MinWidth="100" Binding="  {Binding CPF, StringFormat={}{0:###.###.###-##}}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="RG" MinWidth="100" Binding="{Binding RG, StringFormat={}{0:##.###.###-#}}" />
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="CEP" MinWidth="100" Binding="{Binding CEP, StringFormat={}{0:#####-##}}" />

public partial class Teste : Window
    public Teste()

        List<PropriedadeTeste> lstTeste = new List<PropriedadeTeste>();
        PropriedadeTeste propTeste = new PropriedadeTeste();
        propTeste.CPF = "11111111111";
        propTeste.RG = "111111111";
        propTeste.CEP = "11111111";
        dtgTeste.ItemsSource = lstTeste;
  • How far did you get? The columns are already being filled with the data and only need to format or not even this is happening yet?

  • They are already being filled, only need to format to be more pleasant for users.

3 answers


Can you apply the Stringformat to Binding in this way:

<DataGrid  Name="dtgTeste" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="CPF" Binding="{Binding CPF, StringFormat={}{0:###.###.###-##}}"/>
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="RG" Binding="{Binding RG, StringFormat={}{0:##.###.###-#}}" />
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="CEP" Binding="{Binding CEP, StringFormat={}{0:#####-##}}" />

There are also other methods creating a custom class to do the formatting.

  • It did not format I put the code above as I am doing. Thank you


Make a friend convert.

<DataGridTextColumn Header="CPF" MinWidth="100" Binding="  {Binding CPF, Converter={StaticResource NationalRegistrationConverter}}"/>

follow the convert that use.

/// <summary>
/// Valida um texto para ver se é um CNPJ ou CPF
/// </summary>
[ValueConversion(typeof(object), typeof(String))]
public class NationalRegistrationValueConverter : IValueConverter
    /// <summary>
    /// Converte o valor para o bindind de um objeto source
    /// </summary>
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        // Se não estiver vazio         
        if (value != null)
            // Variaveis
            string OldValue = ((string)value).ToString().Trim();
            string NewValue = "";

            // Se tiver 10 caracteres
            if (OldValue.Length == 11)
                // Recebe o valor formatado
                NewValue = OldValue.Insert(3, ".").Insert(7, ".").Insert(11, "-"); ;
            // Se tiver 11 caracteres
            else if (OldValue.Length == 14)
                // Recebe o valor formatado
                NewValue = OldValue.Insert(2, ".").Insert(6, ".").Insert(10, "/").Insert(15, "-");

            // Retorna o novo valor
            return NewValue;

        // Retorna o valor que veio
        return value;

    /// <summary>
    /// Converte o valor do binding devolta para o objeto source
    /// </summary>
    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        // Se nao estiver vazio
        if (value != null)
            // Recebe o valor sem os caracteres especiais
            string OldValue = value.ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty).Replace("/", "").Replace(".", "");

            // Retorna o valor em decimal
            return OldValue;

        // Retorna o valor
        return value;

do not forget to declare in your window feature or control the convert.

    <control:NationalRegistrationValueConverter x:Key="NationalRegistrationConverter"/>    


Based on this you will create a class or struct that contains the data you want to link to the datagrid and this class will be responsible for receiving and formatting the data (since this type of data cannot be formatted)

(in the example below format a field TimeSpan in Text with values in mm:ss and its correspondent on a centesimal basis (total minutes)

public class InformacaoGridMeio: ViewModelBase
    public long Id { get; set; }
    public int Execucao { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan TempoExecucaoTime { get; set; }
    public string TempoExecucao  => TempoExecucaoTime != TimeSpan.Zero
            ? $"{TempoExecucaoTime.Minutes:00}:{TempoExecucaoTime.Seconds:00} ({TempoExecucaoTime.TotalMinutes:00.00})"
            : "--:-- (--,--)";

After creating this class create your property in Viewmodel and this property will be linked to Datagrid

public ObservableCollection<InformacaoGridMeio> DataGridMeio
        get { return _gridMeio; }
        set { _gridMeio = value; OnPropertyChanged("DataGridMeio"); }

<DataGrid ColumnWidth="*" 
          ItemsSource="{Binding DataGridMeio}" 

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