I have a Library raised in Visual Basic . NET that accesses the properties of a Form
, and so far so good! The problem is that when I try to access the component UserControl
nothing on the form is amended.
Dim PlayerHD As Frm_PlayerHDStudio
Dim PlayerHD_X As Int32
Dim PlayerHD_Y As Int32
PlayerHD = New Frm_PlayerHDStudio()
PlayerHD_X = PlayerHD.Size.Width
PlayerHD_Y = PlayerHD.Size.Height
#Region "Primeiro Controle- ControlPlayerHD_InfoVideo"
'Loc_ << Location do Controle
'Sz_ << Tamando do Controle
''Declação de tamnho e largura do controle
Dim Loc_ControleInfoVideoX As Int32 = 0
Dim Loc_ControleInfoVideoY As Int32 = 0
Dim Sz_ControleInfoVideoX As Int32 = 1366
Dim Sz_ControleInfoVideoY As Int32 = 10
''Localização do Controle InfoVideo
PlayerHD.ControlPlayerHD_InfoVideo.Location = New Point(Loc_ControleInfoVideoX, Loc_ControleInfoVideoY)
''Tamanho do Controle
PlayerHD.ControlPlayerHD_InfoVideo.Size = New Point(Sz_ControleInfoVideoX, Sz_ControleInfoVideoY)
#End Region
The application not of the error but the component which is in the Form
remains in the same place it does not change its location.
Vlw! the second caught perfectly.. the first when I ran the function the form closed :(..
– Vyctor Junior