Urlrewriterfilter problem load css and js


Viewed 59 times


I am using taglib as a template to load header, body and footer on my jsp pages. For friendly Urls I use Urlrewritefilter. The problem is when I pass parameters in the URL friendly as it does not load the css and js files.

The page http://localhost:8080/admin/home, loads normally and the urlrewrite file is like this:


Already the page http://localhost:8080/admin/servico/48331006151024222123772 does not load the css and js files.


Are there any way in which I could leave the default css and js file path to load at all pages, without happening this problem?

  • No filter loads normally?

  • Load normally without filter. When access http://localhost:8080/admin/servico/48331006151024222123772 and I change the path of css and js loads as well. The problem that I use a taglib template for the entire project.

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