Dynamic Combobox with jQuery + Laravel


Viewed 3,068 times


I am on a registration screen where there is a combobox of State and Cities.

City has q be filled after the state is selected.

I have create.blade.php

<div class="form-group">
        {!! Form::label('estado', 'Estado:') !!}
        {!! Form::select('estado', $estados) !!}

    <div class="form-group">
        {!! Form::label('cidade', 'Cidade:') !!}
        {!! Form::select('cidade', []) !!}

<script type="text/javascript">
    $('select[name=estado]').change(function () {
        var id_estado = $(this).val();

       // $('select[name=cidade]').html('').append('<option value="">  Carregando...  </option>');
        $.get('/cidades/' + id_estado, function (cidades) {
            $.each(cidades, function (key, value) {
                $('select[name=cidade]').append('<option value=' + value.id_cidade + '>' + value.nome + '</option>');

And the controller:

class CidadeController extends Controller
    private $estadoModel;

    public function __construct(Estado $estado)
        $this->estadoModel = $estado;

    public function index()
        $estados = $this->estadoModel->lists('nome', 'id_estado');

        return view('contas.create', compact('estados'));

    public function getCidades($id_estado)

        $estado = $this->estadoModel->find($id_estado);

        $cidades = $estado->cidades()->getQuery()->get(['id_estado', 'nome']);

        return Response::json($cidades);


But using the debugging of the Variable is doing the wrong query:

select * from `estados` where `estados`.`id_estado` = '3' limit 1

select `id_estado`, `nome` from `cidades` where `cidades`.`id_cidade` = '3' and `cidades`.`id_cidade` is not null

Can someone help me because you’re making the wrong appointment?

  • 1

    Add your States and Cities Model please, because I believe it is a problem in the relationship, otherwise inform the version of Laravel that you are using.

2 answers


I’m using the Laravel 5.0 version

    class Estado extends Model {
    protected $primaryKey = 'id_estado';

    protected $fillable = [



    public $timestamps  = false;

    public function cidades()
        return $this->hasMany('Realito\Cidade','id_cidade');

class Cidade extends Model {

    protected $primaryKey = 'id_cidade';

    protected $fillable = ['id_estado','nome'];

    public function estado()
        return $this->belongsTo('Realito\Estado','id_estado');

  • Edit your question and add models to the question, not as an answer. Then delete your answer.


After commenting on your question, I noticed at first glance that your mistake is in defining the relationship between State and Cities (hasMany).

The function hasMany expects the following parameters:

  • The model (+namespace)
  • To Foreign Key (FK) present in this model, ie the field that makes the connection from city to state, which in this case is id_estado
  • And the Primary key (PK) of the current model, in this case, of the State (not mandatory)

So the right way to do this relationship would be:

return $this->hasMany('Realito\Cidade','id_estado');

Some points for you to check in your code:

Model state

Definition of relationship with the City model (hasMany - there are/have many(as))

class Estado extends Model

    // outros códigos

    public function cidades()
        return $this->hasMany('Realito\Cidade', 'id_estado')

    // outros códigos


Model city

Definition of the relationship with the State model (belongsTo - belongs to...).

class Cidade extends Model

    // outros códigos

    public function estado()
        return $this->belongsTo('Realito\Estado', 'id_estado')

    // outros códigos


I always advise to define the controller name in Plural, after all, it is a convention of Laravel and many other frameworks .

class CidadesController extends Controller
    // outros códigos

    public function getCidades($id_estado)
        $estado = $this->estadoModel->findOrFail($id_estado);
        $cidades = $estado->cidades()->lists('nome', 'id');

        // não entendi porque você está selecionando o campo id_estado 
        // ->get(['id_estado', 'nome']);

        return Response::json($cidades);

    // outros códigos

The use of findOrFail avoids problems with invalid ids, but also this can be treating "n" different ways, with a simple if or even a Try catch.

As to the lists(), it is incredibly easy to use it to return an arrary containing only id and chosen name/value.

Furthermore, I ask you to validate your code and compare it to mine.

Leave a comment so I can assist you if you have any questions.

  • Thank you very much Patrick helped a lot, starting in Aravel now I came up with some problems

  • @Raphael Quiet my friend, that’s how it is. I took a beating at first... now that I got the hang of it too. Remember to delete your answer and add its code to your question (click edit your question).

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