How to remove a website from Google?


Viewed 1,952 times


Had found some instructions on the internet, to remove a google site, referred to an old version of webmasters tools, that there was this feature, but I can not find this option in the current version.

I’d like to know how to do.

Obs: I wanted to take a Google Sites site from Google’s search results. There’s no way to change robots.txt there

3 answers


Depending on the current indexing, two steps are needed to ensure that the site will not be re-indexed and ensure that it will not appear in Google search results with error 404:

Disable indexing

To ensure that the site is permanently removed from Google search results, you need to create a file at the domain root with the name robots.txt to block access to crawler to that site:

Content of robots.txt:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

These directives will indicate that nothing should be indexed when the crawler goes on this site.

Remove the site and its pages from the search results

After blocking access to the crawler to the domain, you need to follow the following steps to remove the domain in question from Google search results:

  1. Login to the site Google Webmaster Tools

  2. Choose from the list of existing sites the intended site

  3. In the side menu, choose Google Index

    Captura de Tela

  4. Choose the sub-option Remove URLs

    Captura de Tela

  5. Once on the page, on the right side we have a button to create a new removal request:

    Captura de Tela

  6. After clicking the button you need to enter the desired address:

    Captura de Tela

  7. If the box appears asking what kind of removal you want, you should choose to remove from the cache and search results.

    Captura de Tela

This way, not only ensure that you have blocked access to crawler to the site, but also ensure that the site in question will no longer appear in the search results avoiding the possibility of errors.

Part of the instructions can be found on this page of Help from Google Webmaster Tools.

  • Good illustration :) +1


You can use a robots.txt with total denial:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Over time, your site will be removed from the Google indexer. More tips here:

  • I want to take a google site from the index. On Google Sites I have no control over the robots.txt

  • This is also in case I have an old site in the /2013 directory and I want google to only see the /2014?

  • @paulomartinhago serves yes, just use Disallow: /2013, but remember that it takes time to be reflected.

  • @Jaderdias you had not passed this information before... From what I researched, in this case there is no way.

  • Bacana Tiago. Thanks for clarifying :D


Google often suggests/prefers removals to be done through useful information to bots (robots that go around the internet indexing content).

I suggest four alternatives which can be used in addition:

  • Remove the contents of robots.txt and leave only:

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /
  • Insert a meta tag in <head> from the home/index/main page

  • Empty the sitemap.xml

  • Remove URL manually on webmaster tools console:

    Captura de Tela

    (Note that this image was made today, from my webmaster tools.
    You mention that there is no such option anymore, but it still exists. Just moved around.).

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