How to force sign in with Android?


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I’m having trouble developing a piece of my app. Come on. First I need to click on a button and access a certain link and then the application return me a PDF.

This already exists through the browser.

The link is this for example:

The problem is that in order to access this validation with the session, to see if the user is really logged in.

So how can I force a login on this page:

And then be able to access the download link normally? Thank you!

  • This portal has some API?

  • Probably not. =(

  • You can create a BroadcastReceiver with the IntentFilter android.intent.action.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE and, when completing the PDF download you need, perform some action on your Activity

  • I’m gonna try. But so, the problem, at least on the WEB, is that if I access the download link without being logged in to the portal it returns to the login page.

  • If you don’t have an API that you can authenticate the user, it will be impossible for you to navigate the site... The user will have to log in and do all the browsing on WebView

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