Block indexing by robots in controller


Viewed 117 times


I’m making use of Codeigniter 2 to set up a website.
The admin area is in the url, to access you need to login.
To avoid indexing of search engines, I configured the Routes file

$route['mod/(:any)'] = "$1";
$route['mod_upload'] = '';
$route['mod_config'] = '';
$route['mod_logo_upload'] = '';

The controller access was like this

To avoid page indexing, and end up appearing in google, just "block the /mod" directory in the file roobts.txt ? or only login will be enough ?

1 answer


If these routes have authentication, probably not authenticated users are redirected should view the login page, in case a BOT should also view the login page (because in my opinion the bots should see the pages in the same way as the user)if this is the case you can use http 401 (Not authorized):

  • php 5.4+:

    if (false === $condicao_necessaria_para_acesso) {
        //View para login
    } else {
        //Condição normal, views, models, etc
  • php less than 5.4:

    if (false === $condicao_necessaria_para_acesso) {
        header('X-PHP-Response-Code: 401', true, 401);
        //View para login
    } else {
        //Condição normal, views, models, etc

If the page does not have authentication, but the route is accessible by an address or by a user-agent specified, you can use http code 403 (Prohibited) with exit;, so no need to send a custom page, in case the browser when it has no content usually shows a default error page of it and the searchers do not index this page.

  • Use a condition to inform access:

    if (false === $condicao_necessaria_para_acesso) {
  • php < 5.4:

    if (false === $condicao_necessaria_para_acesso) {
        header('X-PHP-Response-Code: 403', true, 403);

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