
Viewed 556 times


How It Should Be Done for a Super Global $_POST Value To Enter a Class.

I’ve tried several ways, but without success. This value will be dealt with within the class.

  • 1

    Put in the code you already have

  • By the little that gave to understand of the question, you want to take a data past via post, and build an object with it? Using class methods and/or functions, this would be?

  • Not naverdade. Naverdade make him enter the class. I’ve managed to do this by going through parameter and show. However, when applying Pagsegurotransactionsearchservice::searchByCode($credentials, $transaction_code); ($transition_code must come from POST ) does not work. But if I’m in the class, then it works.

1 answer


Redeem the parameter received by the post method

$transaction_code = $_POST['transaction_code'];

Once done, pass to the class method parameter:

PagSeguroTransactionSearchService::searchByCode($credentials, $transaction_code);

Full example

$transaction_code = $_POST['transaction_code'];
  • 1

    This section "Full example" is just to fill sausages, to say that there is content in the answer.. rsrs

  • this is the kind of topic "box of surprises".. rsrs to each post a surprise that complements the question.. Look, if it falls in the catch, error message should appear. Is there an error message? Which one ? And ... so, it would have been better to have put the code in your question and not in my answer.. It got very strange.

  • Really it is a post "box of surprises" the author asks about PDO and then he spoke about Pagseguro, ie the question is poorly formulated rs. But I believe that your answer helps this question not to be closed, I only recommend you edit the question, so that your answer does not look like "invalid". (I believe you already have editing power)

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