WPF - Hide Components in Design


Viewed 371 times


Good staff,

I recently switched from PC and on the other PC the visual studio 2010 in WPF Design when adding a certain object and defining the property "visibility=Hidden" the object was hidden in the design construction form itself, at this time even if you set the property to "Hidden" the object remains visible.

Explaining better:

In the image below as the property Visibility of Grid A is defefine for Hidden, neither the gridA nor the labelA should be visible. The old PC works perfectly but I can’t remember where to set this up on VS2010

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Does anyone know where I can set this up in VS2010?

  • Try restarting VS to factory settings?

  • Try to post your shaman code, it might be something in it

1 answer


Have you tried using the Visibility.Collapsed?

Hidden will not show the element, but will reserve the space for it.

The exact text according to the MSDN:

Visible: Shows the widget.

Hidden: Does not show the element, but reserves its space in the layout.

Collapsed: Does not show the element and does not reserve its space in the layout.

  • Hello. Thank you for the answer. Yes I’ve tried this property too, but not around. Hidden or collapsed only make objects invisible when the project is executed.. My problem is not this, but rather before compiling the project, it is in the construction of the design..

  • Hmm, right. Try restarting VS to factory settings?

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