I am developing a Restful API with Laravel PHP that will be consumed by an Android application, the API is consumed only by the application, there is no web system.
I am learning Restful, and during the learning I was left with a doubt.
I can consume the API, okay, but I thought... If I access the link myself through the browser, I can see the json data:
So how do I prevent someone from accessing the API data from the browser, or build a separate system to consume the API?
(as you can see, the API will have data that should be viewed only by their owner)
And how to restrict access to some parts of the application only for some types of users (permissions system)?
this Oath seems very complicated, does not have a simpler means without being for basic http? And with it would give to control access by types of users?
– felipe.rce
I didn’t understand how the permissions of each type of user would fit into this
– felipe.rce
hello @Felipe.rce o oauth is about http and is a protocol. Start by taking a look at http://oauth.net/documentation/getting-started/
– chambelix