Doubts with relationships in Eloquent


Viewed 641 times


Guys I’m making a belongsToMany to recover several Users that are related to a Item.

It returns me in the all array Users correctly, but I need to make a hasOne of each User(created on the model User a method for this), because there is a foreignKey tipo defining the type of User, and the description is on the other table.

How do I do it? When I give User::find(1) can do the hasOne, but when I do Item::find(1) and take the Users I can’t get the model method Users that hasOne.

Class User:

class User extends Model {
   //The database table used by the model.
   protected $table = 'usuarios';

   //tipo de usuario
   public function tipoUser(){
       return $this->hasOne('App\TipoUser', 'id', 'tipo');

   public function itens(){
       return $this->belongsToMany('App\Item', 'usuarios_itens', 'id_usuario', 'id_item');

Class Item:

class Item extends Model{
   protected $table = 'itens';

   protected $fillable = ['quantidade', 'valor'];

   public function pedido(){
       return $this->belongsTo('App\Pedido', 'id_pedido', 'id');

   //Retorna os usuarios baseado no Model User
   public function usuarios(){
      return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'usuarios_itens', 'id_item', 'id_usuario');

Item Return::find(2)->users;

   id: 1,
   email: "[email protected]",
   nome: "Fulano de Tal",
   tipo: 1,
   created_at: "2015-05-14 22:10:15",
   updated_at: "2015-05-15 23:03:09",
   pivot: <Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot #000000005707178a0000000021afac2b> {
       id_item: 2,
       id_usuario: 1

in the Indian type, I need you to call me back

tipo: {
   id: 1,
   descricao: "Administrador",
   created_at: "0000/00/00 00:00:00",
   updated_at: "0000/00/00 00:00:00"
  • In doing Item::find(1)->users() you are iterating (loop) between users?

  • I don’t understand! I edit what comes back to me when I do Item::find(2)->users;

  • what returns you if you do: dd(Item::find(1)->usuarios())

  • is edited!!!

  • Is there a problem with the answers? Could you give us a feedback?

2 answers


What you should do is say that beyond the items you want the typeUser of the users, and this you do using the method with().


There are also alternatives using the joins or even the Query Builder, but I believe this is the simplest.


You can use the method with to load relationships. When you convert to JSON, this is the best way to load the related data.

There are two ways:




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