How to transfer a file with corrupted name?


Viewed 81 times


A client of mine is having a problem to upload file on my system, and from what I could notice it is his file that is with corrupted name (it is relatively common, on Windows systems, the accented name or with foreign characters display correctly in Windows Explorer but when you try to access it programmatically occurs character encoding error). Unfortunately, when it is sent by email Gmail will please correct the error in the name automatically, so that I cannot reproduce the error in my environment...

Is there any relatively simple way to email a file so that its name (including any encoding errors) is preserved? Preferably something that doesn’t require much technical knowledge, that I can simply tell my client "do X, then Y, and send me the result".

Updating: in my particular case, the problem was elsewhere, so I no longer need an answer with any urgency. But I’ll stick to the question, because it’s a problem I’ve faced before, and an answer can be useful when trying to debug encoding remotely (when it is costly to go to the client to get the file straight from his machine).

  • 2

    You could do . zip from the file and send the zip to inspect?

  • 1

    @Sergio I asked my client to do that too. I don’t know if it will work (I will only find out tomorrow when he sends me) because the zip can change the name somehow, but it is a possibility...

  • I’m going to suggest that if you’re going to compress, put it in a (a) directory/folder. Decreases the chances of there being a auto-fix by the compactor.

1 answer



  1. Place the file with corrupted name inside a ZIP archive.
  2. Rename the file to change its extension to ZUP or ZAP or something else that Gmail doesn’t know what it is.
  3. Send the file as an attachment in an email.


  1. Receive the email and download the attached file.
  2. Repair the File Extension Back to ZIP.
  3. Extract from inside the ZIP archive, the original archive.

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