Calculate value according to selected dates


Viewed 372 times


I have to make a code that calculates Reais according to 2 dates reported. I have 2 inputs of the kind text to inform a data in format dd/mm/yyyy. The input To is from data inicial and the B is the data final. The user will inform on input A for example 20/05/2015 and on input B will be 03/05/2015. The difference then is 13 days and need to multiply by 10 (that would be the price in Reais), thus totaling R$ 130,00 Real. I want to arrive at the following, the user inform the two dates the calculation is made automatic and displayed in a <div>. I don’t have any code ready, but I’m having extreme difficulty making that code.

2 answers


To calculate the days is like this:

function diferencaEntreDias(dataIni, dataFim){//recebe a data no formato MM/dd/yyyy  
    var ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;//Variável que representa um dia em milissegundos  
    var date_ini_ms = new Date(dataIni).getTime();//variável que representa a data incial em ms  
    var date_fim_ms = new Date(dataFim).getTime();//variável que representa a data final em ms  
    var diferenca = date_fim_ms - date_ini_ms;//diferenca, em ms, entre as datas  
    return Math.round(diferenca/ONE_DAY);//diferenca, em dias, entre as datas  

To calculate just do:

window.alert(qtdDias * 10);

remembering that it is an Alert for you to see the value of the calculation.

The example to update the DIV is this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function gravar(){
            var titulo = document.getElementById("txtTitulo").value;
            var subtitulo = document.getElementById("txtSubtitulo").value;
            var div = document.getElementById("divResultado");

            div.innerHTML = "<h1>" + titulo +"</h1>"+ "\n" + subtitulo;
        <input type="text" id="txtTitulo"/>
        <input type="text" id="txtSubtitulo"/>
        <button id="btnEnviar" onclick="diferencaEntreDias(passeAsDatasAqui)" >Gravar</button>
    <div id="divResultado">

As you can see is an example you will need to understand to mount it properly but this is the basis.


You can use the library Momentjs to do the parse and see how many days have passed.

var inicial = moment('1/02/2015', 'DD/MM/YYYY'),
    final =   moment('14/02/2015', 'DD/MM/YYYY'),
    diasPassados = final.diff(inicial, 'days');

alert('Dias passados: ' + diasPassados); // Dias passados: 13
alert('Valor do frete: R$' + (diasPassados * 10) + ',00'); // Valor do frete: R$130,00
<script src=''></script>

The function diff provides various information of differences between dates. When used by sending the argument 'days', is returned the amount of days passed between a date and another.

function byId(el) {
  return document.getElementById(el)

function isNullOrEmpty(el) {
  return el.value == null || el.value == '';

var $inicial = byId('inicial'),
  $final = byId('final'),
  $frete = byId('frete'),
  $calcular = byId('calcular');

$calcular.addEventListener('click', function() {

  var valorFrete = '00';

  if (!isNullOrEmpty($inicial) && !isNullOrEmpty($final)) {

    var inicial = moment($inicial.value, 'DD/MM/YYYY'),
        final =   moment($final.value,   'DD/MM/YYYY');

    // isValid é uma função da própria biblioteca MomentJS
    // para verificar se uma data é válida.
    if (inicial.isValid() && final.isValid())
      valorFrete = final.diff(inicial, 'days') * 10;

  $frete.innerHTML = 'R$' + valorFrete + ',00';
<script src=''></script>

<label for='inicial'>Data Inicial</label>
<input id='inicial' type='text' placeholder='10/02/2015' />
<label for='final'>Data Final</label>
<input id='final' type='text' placeholder='10/02/2015' />

<button id='calcular'>Calcular</button>
<p id='frete'></p>

  • Wow, thanks is halfway there. But there is still one thing missing that I think for me will be the most difficult, which is the question of only calculating when the user fills the two date fields To and B, how could I do that? It’s being the hardest now

  • Includes a simple example without many validations. @Alissonacioli

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